Everything EU, in numbers with the Data Crunch
Not everything the EU does can be quantified. But where possible, we will break down the EU policy and its impact, into byte-size pieces for you. Here’s some EU policy data, crunched for you.
European Green Deal
🎯 Our ambition: a climate-neutral EU by 2050.
To make this happen, we need to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.
This is why, we are overhauling our climate, energy, transport and taxation policies — and promoting a shift to:
🔌Renewable energy and more sustainable buildings
🚘 Greening our transport
🏭 Reducing industrial emissions and promoting clean industries
🌲 Protecting our forests
The new #EUGreenDeal proposals will transform our economy and society in the years to come, and create new opportunities for innovation and jobs.
🕗 Let’s turn back the clock. A year ago, we did not know when — or even if — we would have a safe and effective vaccine 🩹 against COVID-19.
With more than 75 per cent of the EU adult population vaccinated, we can be proud of how far we have come. We did this while sharing half our vaccine production — more than 700 million doses — with more than 130 countries.
Our most urgent priority today is to speed up global vaccination. More info
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
Every 9 seconds a new case of cancer is diagnosed in the EU. This makes our #EUCancerPlan even more crucial for those affected by the disease and their families.
We have earmarked €4 billion for actions addressing cancer and it will be structured around 4 key initiatives focusing on:
1. Prevention: addressing risk factors like tobacco, environmental pollution and hazardous substances
2. Early detection: improving access to early screening and diagnosis
3. Diagnosis and treatment: by 2030, 90% of eligible patients should have access to comprehensive cancer centres linked through a new EU network
4. Quality of life: supporting patients and survivors with social integration and reintegration in the workplace
Our actions can save the lives of over 3 million people by 2030. More info
Union of Equality
Equality and non-discrimination are core values and fundamental rights in the EU.
Last year, we adopted our first-ever strategy to strengthen LGBTIQ rights. It addresses the inequalities and challenges affecting LGBTIQ people by setting out key objectives to be achieved by 2025. More info
Natura 2000
🌍 Where is the largest network of 🍃 protected areas?
🇪🇺 It’s right here in Europe, and it is called Natura 2000.
Stretching across 27 🇪🇺 countries, both on land and at sea, it offers a safe haven to threatened species and habitats.
With the #EUBiodiversity strategy, the existing Natura 2000 areas will be expanded and we will restore degraded ecosystems. By the end of this year, we will propose binding restoration targets. More info
No pollinators, no life! The pollinators are tiny, precious and must be protected.
What happens if they go extinct?
- Many plants and organisms could disappear
- Food security would be affected by potential losses in agriculture.
75% of crops and 80% of wild plants in Europe depend on pollinating insects. They are essential for our ecosystems.
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the Farm to Fork strategies will help tackle pollinator decline. More info
Forests Strategy
🌿 More nature, not less. 🌿 More forests, not less.
The European Green Deal puts us on the path to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions of at least 55% by 2030 — paving the way for a climate-neutral EU in 2050.
Our Forest Strategy, a flagship initiative of the Green Deal, is our commitment to:
🟢 protecting old-growth forests
🟢 restoring degraded forests, and
🟢 ensuring our forests are managed sustainably.
📌 By 2030, we want to plant three billion additional trees across 🇪🇺 Europe while respecting ecological principles — the right tree in the right place for the right purpose. More info
Erasmus Plus: Changing minds, changing lives
How it started: 3,200 students
How it’s going: 10 million and counting
The Erasmus programme began in 1987 with just 3,200 students and has now changed the lives of more than 10 million people.
We have doubled the European budget for Erasmus+ for the next seven years to reach the same number of people as we did in 33 years. This means more learning, training and educational opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds. More info
EU Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
We want to further improve all areas of the lives of persons with disabilities. Our work brought real improvement but more must be done to ensure a #UnionOfEquality.
Our EU Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for 2021–2030 will ensure that no one is left behind, covering all aspects of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. More info
The EU is the world’s largest humanitarian aid donor
Do you believe that it’s important that the EU provides aid to people affected by conflict and disaster?
The majority of Europeans do — more than 9 in 10. And the EU does too! The EU and EU countries are the world’s leading humanitarian donor.
A combination of conflicts, climate change, environmental degradation, and the coronavirus pandemic have deteriorated an already fragile situation. Because humanitarian needs are higher than ever, we will strengthen the EU’s global aid. Solidarity is a fundamental and much-needed value during these challenging times. More info
Sustainable transport: Trains
🌳🚆Did you follow the #ConnectingEurope Express?
From Lisbon 🇵🇹 to Bucharest 🇷🇴, Berlin 🇩🇪 and Paris 🇫🇷, the Connecting Europe Express travelled across more than 100 cities in just 36 days to bring Europe together. These are the routes that bind us together, reflecting our rich, common history.
Rail is also Europe’s future — our route to mitigating climate change and powering economic recovery from the pandemic, as we build a carbon-neutral transport sector. More info
EU Space
How much do you know about EU satellites? 🛰️
You may not see them, but they are working hard for our benefit: fighting climate change, responding to emergency calls, creating jobs, and much more!
We just launched our new EU Space Programme. With the largest space budget ever for the EU, this new integrated programme will help us deliver on Europe’s space ambitions. More info