11 quotes from President Juncker’s mandate 2014–2019
The Commission under President Juncker has kept its relentless focus on delivering on the promises he made five years ago.
When the Juncker Commission took office in 2014, Europe had been weakened by the worst economic and social crisis since the Second World War. The Juncker Commission has worked tirelessly to make Europe more social, more united, more relatable to its citizens, and more influential on the world stage.
From bringing back jobs, growth and investment after the crisis to strengthening both solidarity and responsibility in our Union, to securing the same pay for workers doing the same work in the same place, we have acted where it counts the most.
Here is a summary of the five years of President Juncker’s mandate in 11 quotes.
1. Citizens’ dialogue on the future of Europe, Valletta, 30 March 2017
“I do think that the European Union as a concept, as a construction, as a history is a guarantee against war and a guarantee for peace.”
Read the speech here.
2. G20 press conference, Buenos Aires, 30 November 2018
“We have learned one lesson during the last 10 years and this is the principle that no one country, no one region can go it alone. […] The case for multilateralism and working together has never been stronger than it is today.”
Read the full speech here.
3. Remise du prix Princesse des Asturies pour la Concorde, Oviedo, 20 Octobre 2017
“Oui, je sais, tout n’est pas parfait en Europe. […] mais l’Europe, elle, elle est capable du meilleur, des meilleurs performances lorsqu’elle est unie et lorsque les Européens, main dans la main, marchent vers les mêmes horizons.”
Lire le discours ici.
4. Ideas Lab 2018 ‘Europe — Back on Track’, Brussels, 22 February 2018
“We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build a stronger, more united and more democratic Union we collectively deserve. We should grasp this opportunity with courage and with boldness. This is a time for action, not only for discussion.”
Read full speech here.
5. ‘Building the euro: moments in time, lessons in history’, Sintra, 19 June 2019
“The euro is now the second currency in the world. […] The coins and banknotes in our pockets are worth far more than the numbers written on them. They are the tangible symbol of a united Europe that promises peace, protection and prosperity.”
Read full speech here.
6. Discours sur l’état de l’Union, Strasbourg, 12 Septembre 2018
“Celui qui aime l’Europe doit aimer les nations qui la composent, celui qui aime sa patrie doit aimer et peut aimer l’Europe. Le patriotisme est une vertu, le nationalisme borné est un mensonge accablant et un poison pernicieux. En un mot: restons fidèles à ce que nous sommes.”
Lire le discours ici.
7. State of the Union Address, Strasbourg, 13 September 2017
“Ten years since crisis struck, Europe’s economy is finally bouncing back. And with it, our confidence. […] Let us make the most of the momentum, catch the wind in our sails. Now is the time to build a more united, a stronger, a more democratic Europe for 2025.”
Read full speech here.
8. Remise du doctorat honoris causa de l’Université de Salamanque, Salamanque, 9 Novembre 2017
“Et donc je dis non à toutes les formes de séparatisme qui fragilisent l’Europe[…]. Mais pour tout cela, mes chers amis, il faut avoir de la patience et de la détermination. De cette patience et de cette détermination dont ont besoin les longs trajets et les grandes ambitions.”
Lire le discours entier ici.
9. United Nations General Assembly, Meeting with António Guterres, 25 September 2018
“We are here to say the multilateral approach is not dead–it is the only chance we have to shape the future of the globe in a way which is acceptable for all stakeholders. The UN are the cornerstone of multilateralism, the bridge to a better humanity, a better world. The EU will remain the close partner of the UN.”
Read more here.
10. Social Summit, Gothenburg, 17 November 2017
“A stronger, more democratic and fairer Union must be built on fair jobs, inclusive growth and equal opportunities. With the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, all EU institutions and leaders have made it our joint responsibility to stand up for the rights of our citizens in a fast-changing world. Now it is time to deliver.”
Read full speech here.
11. “Long live Europe! Lang lebe Europa! Vive l’Europe!” Plenary session of the European Parliament, Strasbourg, 22 October 2019
“We made sure Greece stayed in the Eurozone despite the resistance of many leaders who told me to stay out of it. But I insisted on respecting the EU Treaties. We gave back the dignity to the noble Greek people that they deserve.”
Read full speech here.